Customized spaces for Canada-wide wellness

  • Client

    BBA Engineering
  • Location

  • Year

  • Discipline(s)

    Interior Design

Customized spaces for Canada-wide wellness

Engineering consultancy BBA was seeking to adopt a more agile way of working in an ultracompetitive digital context. Extensive research and brainstorming sessions built on the firm’s corporate values to develop a workplace strategy pilot project for the firm’s Montreal office, following which the firm moved to implement the program at its offices across Canada.

With an emphasis on teamwork, employee mobility, health and sustainable development, the national strategy is uniquely tailored for each location across the country, taking local culture into consideration. The design concept is grounded in collaboration, knowledge-sharing and ergonomics, and further enhanced by abundant natural light and vegetation. The result is new workspaces that improve business responsiveness, promote employee well-being and reinforce the BBA brand.