Scalable solutions

Scalable solutions

Port-au-Prince’s Fort National was one of the areas worst hit by the earthquake in 2010. Even before the disaster, the sloping, downtown-adjacent neighbourhood had no running water or electricity. In reconstructing this area, Lemay’s aim was to provide up to 25,000 relocated people with a vibrant, friendly and secure living environment with basic public utilities and services.

Some 34 hectares will accommodate 4,000 family housing units in small buildings of three to four stories. The heritage street leading to Fort National acts as a spine for the area, which is subdivided into neighbourhoods linked together, and with the city, by a network of landscaped spaces. Shops and neighbourhood services are available along the spine and at the bottom of the hill. Streets, alleyways and pedestrian walkways follow buildings’ contours, while stairs allow pedestrians to go from one level to another.

Lemay’s basic structure for Fort National is easy to replicate on varying scales, in other reconstruction areas with the same constraints.