Dedicated to the preservation of our architectural landmarks, he is involved in various stages of the design process and plays a key role in the development of heritage project strategies.

Mark’s passion for architecture stems from childhood, where he would observe and work with his father—a designer and builder. His interest in heritage conservation is the result of growing up in a small town in Alberta with a largely intact Main Street from the early 1900s. His passion has grown into a sense of conservation and understanding of how contemporary uses and interventions can coexist with historic conditions in a mutually beneficial environment.

Mark taught as a part-time sessional instructor with Mount Royal University and the University of Calgary. This experience provided him an opportunity to prepare young designers on the positive impact shaping the built environment has on people’s lives. He is a former President of The Alberta Association of Architects and is currently a registered architect in Alberta and British Columbia. Mark was inducted as a Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada in 2014.

A new lease on life for Historic Calgary City Hall

GEOpark (485 Albert)