• April 26, 2022

By taking foundational actions for the climate, we hope to contribute to the mission of the Montreal Climate Partnership and make its city a model of urban mobilization for the climate. This is an ambitious but necessary project, as the city has set itself the goal of reducing its GHG emissions by 55% by 2030.

Here are our five climate commitments, linked to our Net PositiveTM approach:

  • Reduce our use of fossil fuels;
  • Reduce our energy consumption and the energy consumption of our projects;
  • Contribute to the greening and soil demineralization of our projects;
  • Act as a leader to raise awareness of our cause among our employees and clients;
  • Use responsible procurement methods for all of our supply needs.

Architects and developers can do their part, as well as any other organization. Do you want to make a difference for the climate? You can start here.