• November 18, 2020

It was the World Green Building Council that approached Lemay to participate in the Building A Better Future series. Lemay signed on without hesitation to promote the subject so clearly in line with our Net Positive commitment to create sustainable value. The result is a short documentary produced by BBC StoryWorks featuring the Lemay team and two of its flagship projects.

The production highlights the effects of our design work on urban spaces and community well-being, in part through a visit of the Phenix, our Montreal office and sustainability laboratory. The film also looks at Montreal’s Quartier des lumières project, a Lemay collaboration with real estate developer MACH: an example of a sustainable approach applied to crafting an entire new neighbourhood.

Through a series of interviews and images, the film documents the project’s behind-the-scenes of consulting project stakeholders and systematically considering impacts on health, environmental and carbon emission reduction.

The Building A Better Future series showcases projects from around the world – including two in Canada – demonstrating innovative ways to design, build and operate healthy and sustainable buildings.

Watch the rest of the series here.