• September 27, 2022

On October 3rd, Andrew King and artist Angela Silver will be joining dozens of leaders in urban design, real estate and technology at the 2022 WRLDCTY urban innovation conference at the Times Center in New York City.

King and Silver will be presenting Recognizing Women in the City, a talk on Montreal’s upcoming project Place des Montréalaises: Designed through a transdisciplinary combination of art, architecture and landscape to reframe the commemoration of women in Montréal, in an inclusive public space.

Discussing its evolution since it won an international design competition from the City of Montreal, the talk seeks to inspire city builders by showing that when we shift our practices around how we remember history, we can make a positive impact on how we look to the future.

Tickets to attend this year’s WRLDCTY conference are available now for both virtual and in-person attendance, and you can find them here.