Designed to enmesh with its neighbourhood while enhancing its community

Designed to enmesh with its neighbourhood while enhancing its community

Taking a collaborative approach to the city of Toronto and the neighbourhood of Leslieville in the East End, the architectural design of the six-storey, 69-unit Logan Residences is one of in-depth relationships with its community on the low-rise thoroughfare of Queen Street East: Working within a limited site, it was designed in a way which maximizes its ability to serve its residents while carefully creating a timeless presence on its street.

A mixed-use, low-rise condominium, Logan Residences sensitively demonstrates a deep awareness of its neighbourhood through its designers’ organic approach, making it feel as though it were always a part of its surroundings through height, materiality, and layouts of space. Built for a pedestrian experience, this boutique project intentionally matches the rhythm of Leslieville through form at first glance: Coated in brick, its streetside façade of horizontal windows features illuminated canopies above its at-grade retail, so it’s hard to tell where this building ends and the next begins, enmeshing the structure with its historic, village-like streetscape.

As Juliette balconies for each unit allow for greater interconnection with neighbours, as do a historical plaque acknowledging the history of the area, public bike racks, benches dressed in the Leslieville colours, and landscaped planters installed on behalf of the project. To the rear, terraced form with tenant gardens and private, lakeview patios echoes its urban surroundings, making room for street art and graffiti with canvas panels installed to face the alleyway.

Resembling an intricate puzzle, the Logan Residences renews Toronto without disrupting it, and it does so with reverence for local character. With quietude and delicacy, it resists overdevelopment with a modest yet positive response to growth inspired by a preexisting urban fabric.