Reconnecting a campus to nature and its surrounding urban fabric

Reconnecting a campus to nature and its surrounding urban fabric

Playing on the duality between an academic institution’s urban identity and the picturesque character of its natural surroundings, the masterplan focuses on restoring and rehabilitating the Université de Montréal’s de la Montagne campus. As it protects the mountain and improves the quality of life for students, these developments allow for greater permeability between the site and its environment to create a more welcoming milieu.

The protection of its architectural, natural and artistic heritage has been refocused to recognize the indigeneity of the area while putting new sustainable developments in place for the environment and the health of its users. The existing campus is enriched with greater biodiversity, exceptional new views of the city that surrounds it, and new outdoor gathering spaces that encourage connection and relaxation. These outdoor spaces have been redesigned to connect and consolidate all the buildings on campus to meet the needs not only of students, but also of faculty, staff and the Montreal community at large. These strategies are bolstered by a redeveloped traffic network to prioritize pedestrians and cyclists and public art integration throughout.

Crafted through a thorough process of diagnoses, a principled vision, and consultation from the public and specialists from the university’s own faculties, the forward-looking nature of this institution’s identity and environment are protected while solving space deficits with mindful practices.


Awards and mentions

Gold Certification | Urban Design Plan
Grands Prix du Design