Living spaces designed to provide better care and a welcoming environment for all users.

Our experienced team brings a fresh, bold and strategic perspective to the healthcare field to develop sustainable solutions supported by flexible and scalable concepts. Grounded in the principles of biophysical design and energy efficiency, we channel innovation to design healthy environments and state-of-the-art life sciences facilities, always in respect of our clients’ budgets.

Lead contacts

Pierre Larouche

Senior Partner

Martin St-Onge

Senior Partner, Healthcare

Our healthcare market leaders

Martin St-Onge

Senior Partner, Healthcare

Antoine Buisseret

Design Director

Mother and Child unit at Sainte-Justine University Hospital

Haut-Richelieu Hospital

Nouveau complexe hospitalier (NCH) du CHU de Québec

Vaudreuil-Soulanges Hospital

Integrated Cancer Centre of the CHU de Québec

Regional Hospital Centre of Eeyou Istchee